1. What is the impact of leaving customer pricing procedure & customer statistic group blank in customer master --> sales area data --> sales tab:
If Customer Pricing Procedure is left blank, Pricing will not be determined. If customer statistic group is left blank, then data will not flow to standard reports.
2. Who maintains reconciliation account in customer master?
Ideally, reconciliation account is maintained by FI person, but if SD person is authorized & has the knowledge of which reconciliation account to be maintained, then even SD person can maintain the same.
3. Terms of payment appear in Company Code Data & sales Area Data. What is the impact of each? why is it not populated automatically, once it is maintained at either field?
Terms of payment from company code data is for reporting purpose & it is from sales area data that it flows to sales order. It is a standard feature of SAP that it is not populated automatically if maintained at either of the field, but it is a must in sales area data & can be skipped in company code data.
4. Unable to select Sales Area for Customer Master Creation?
Most Probably either sales area is not defined or customization not done for common Sales Org & Common Distribution Channel. To maintain this configuration: SPRO --> Sales & Distribution --> Master Data --> Define Common Distribution Channels / Define Common Divisions
5. Where is the control for Automatic PGI?
For this you can set batch jobs. T-code SM36, 37 38 or you can use the userexit CSO_P_DLVRT_GOODS_ISSUE_CREATE - auto PGI
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