Please find part 1 of this here - Real time SAP SD tickets
Pricing not determined
Possible cause:
Customer pricing procedure left blank in customer master --> sales area data --> sales tab
Data not flowing to standard reports
Possible cause:
Customer statistic group left blank in customer master --> sales area data --> sales tab
Unable to select Sales Area for Customer Master Creation
Possible cause:
Most Probably either sales area is not defined or customization not done for common Sales Org & Common Distribution Channel. To maintain this configuration: SPRO --> Sales & Distribution --> Master Data --> Define Common Distribution Channels / Define Common Divisions
hi this is shiva kumar.i like to thanks you for sharing available information on sap-sd
ReplyDeleteHi shiva thankyou for your valuable information,i am looking for more issue can you please send to my mail id
Deletethanks for information we need some more pls semd me more (
ReplyDeleteanyone can provide real time ticket (low & medium)scenories in sap sd (
ReplyDeleteHello ,
ReplyDeleteAnyone can share to this mail( real time sd tickects with solution for level1 and level2
ReplyDeleteAnyone can share me few more real time tickets on below mail nkwaunj1@gmail.vom
ReplyDeleteAnyone can share me few more real time tickets on below mail